Saturday, August 27, 2011

9-1 Questionnaire

I have enjoyed reading everyone's questionnaires! Feel free to continue to send me your answers, or bring them into school on Thursday.
I thought I would share that my favorite food is...
What is yours?

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Student Questionnaires

I have certainly learned some wonderful facts about our 9-1 class so far, and I cannot wait for school to begin! I began setting up our classroom today, which made me even more excited about a year full of "seconds" at lunch, creating incredible projects, and I promise, not too much homework!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Super Powers and Summer Pictures

I am enjoying learning more about you and your summer vacations.
Continue to send me pictures if you would like them to be included in the presentation on the first day of school.
I thought I would share my favorite "super power":
If I could have any super power, I would like to be able to become invisible...
Although I would settle for an invisibility cloak !

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Pyramid Puzzle Hints

I hope you have continued to enjoy your pyramid puzzles! Here are your next hints:
~The first level of the pyramid contains the letters of the compass rose (N, S, E, W). We will work with compass roses in geography this year.
~The first letter of the message (found on the level below your name) contains the letter "W".
Good luck, and I look forward to seeing you soon!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

I am beginning to receive pictures that document the boys' summer adventures.
I have enjoyed getting a glimpse into your activities and putting together a presentation to share on the first day of school.
If you have not already done so, feel free to send me up to three pictures of anything you have done since school ended.
Can you spot the hidden friends that I met this summer?

9-1 Questionnaire

I hope that you are enjoying your 9-1 questionnaires.
Here is my response to the second question.
If I could turn into any animal, I would turn into a...
(Even though I am a warm weather fan!)

Friday, August 12, 2011

Pyramid Puzzle Hint

I hope that you have enjoyed your pyramid puzzles so far!
Here are your first pyramid puzzle hints.
Have fun!
~You name begins at the south end of the pyramid. (What at the top of the pyramid could tell you you which direction is North, South, East or West?)
~The simplest way to solve the puzzle is by following the letters counterclockwise around the pyramid, starting at the south end.
~Remember, the puzzle starts at the top of the pyramid and works its way down to the base.
~If a letter does not exist on your key, it is simply decoration!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

First Questionnaire Answer

You will begin to receive your Ninth Age letters in the mail soon, as well as our optional questionnaire.
I thought I would post a few answers to those questions over the coming weeks so that you could learn a bit more about me as well!
I have a dog, Lance (his picture is below), who will be five years old in October.
He loves to go running in the woods and enjoys sipping coffee!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Happy August

The summer has flown by, and the classroom lists are arriving in the mail.
I hope that everyone has had a wonderful summer and is very excited for the start of the new year!
I look forward to seeing you soon!
A picture I took on my trip to Costa Rica this summer.
I cannot wait to hear about your summer adventures!